Camping Photos

10 photo(s) Updated on: August 04, 2024

Camping Co-Chairs: Jay and Joyce Schmidt

Please fill out this application, and submit it online. 

Or, you can call the Club at 508-347-3389. Please have application in 4 weeks prior to your requested camping date. The Campground Chairman will confirm your reservation and provide you with a site number(s). All RVs must be registered. Sites must be rented by a Club Member. Non-members may be guests. Non-members may fish by "day pass" only and are restricted to catch and release only.

Hamilton's camping area overlooks 3rd pond. If you want a site for the camping season, you need to get your application in early. The Boy Scouts take advantage of this area pre-season and enjoy practicing their outdoor skills here. There are cooking sites near the center of the clearing and fishing is only a few steps away. If you own a canoe, 3rd pond is a nice place to paddle around to improve the boating skills of the younger people.

Remember the camping area is part of your club, so try to leave it cleaner than you found it!

Hamilton Rod & Gun Club, Inc.

'The Footpath of Sportsmen since 1921'
24 Hamilton Road – PO Box 954
Sturbridge, MA 01566-0954

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