Fishing Photos

5 photo(s) Updated on: September 18, 2023

Fishing Chair: Peter Lapierre

At Hamilton there are three very accessible ponds of varying sizes where members and their kids may fish to your hearts content. Pond One, closest to the Pavilion is a catch and release only pond using only barbless hooks. If a fishing derby is in progress you may keep what you catch. This is the pond where our fly fishermen present their skills and there is absolutely no bait casting up until Fathers' Day. The other ponds may be fished as soon as the ice is out. Catch and release and barbed hooks may be used. We also do a lot of ice fishing for you cold weather folks. Check the calendar below for fishing events during the entire year.

If you are not a member of Hamilton Rod & Gun Club you are not allowed to fish in the Club ponds.

When the ice goes out the fish go in and the fly fishermen have Pond One all to themselves until Fathers' Day. The club stocks the pond with some pretty big trout and all those bobbers hitting the water tend to scare the fish. Remember, no bait casting until after Fathers' Day, only barbless hooks in Pond One, and it's strictly catch and release.

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Hamilton Rod & Gun Club, Inc.

'The Footpath of Sportsmen since 1921'
24 Hamilton Road – PO Box 954
Sturbridge, MA 01566-0954

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