Executive Officers

President: Mark Corriveau                 hrgcpres@gmail.com

Vice President : Justin Stearns        bkwds11@gmail.com

Treasurer: Kathy Soucie                     soucie.kathy@gmail.com    

Secretary: Joshua Lillie                      peanutsqaush@yahoo.com

Past President: Kevin Soucie

Executive Officers serve for one (1) year.  Elections are held at the October membership meeting with nominations accepted at the September meetings.  Terms start at the December General Membership Meeting. Positions vacated during their term are nominated and voted upon when opened.

There are many things you can do for the club without taking on the responsibility of an officer. You can always join a committee if you're interested!

Hamilton Rod & Gun Club, Inc.

'The Footpath of Sportsmen since 1921'
24 Hamilton Road – PO Box 954
Sturbridge, MA 01566-0954

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