Trap Photos

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Trap Chair: Bert Berthiaume

The Club's trap shooting occurs at the newly renovated trap field the 2nd and 4th Friday nights of each month starting at 5:30pm, as well as every Sunday morning from 9:30am - 12:00pm (unless it is raining). Our voice activated throwers work well and keep the squads moving right along.

Trap cards available for purchase for $100 for 20 rounds of shooting which includes two (2) free rounds for a total of 22. 

Only shotguns of 12 gauge or less is allowed and only #7.5, #8 or #9 shot are allowed. High brass and magnum loads are prohibited and only trap loads up to 3 drams equivalent are to be used. 

Trap shooting is open to both Club members and non-members/the public on Sundays. Currently, one round of trap costs $5.00 per round for Club members and $5.50 per round for non-members. The number of shot-gunners is increasing with women getting back into the mix.

Monday Trap Shoot will only be held if there is enough interest. If you would like to shoot please call Bert at 508-612-8327. Sunday Morning Trap is still running!

Hamilton's trap range is listed on ShotgunWeb. Come down and check out the new trap field!

Upcoming Trap Events

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Hamilton Rod & Gun Club, Inc.

'The Footpath of Sportsmen since 1921'
24 Hamilton Road – PO Box 954
Sturbridge, MA 01566-0954

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