Hamilton Rod & Gun Club News

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  • September 12, 2023 10:29 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    For those of you who are not aware, Massachusetts politicians put forth HD 4420, “an act modernizing firearm laws.” This massive piece of legislation re-writes gun laws in the Commonwealth and imposes unprecedented gun-control. This far overreaching bill has created a massive public outcry from gun-owners and civil rights groups throughout Massachusetts.

    The below bullet points are just some of the numerous provisions anti-gun politicians are proposing in this new bill:

    • Mandates registration of all guns and feeding devices
    • Mandates reporting of any modifications or new parts to a gun
    • Mandates serializing all firearm parts
    • Bans anyone under 21 from acquiring or carrying any semi-automatic rifle or shotgun
    • Bans anyone under 15 taking part in shooting sports and training
    •Bans all federally legally tax-stamped automatic firearms
    • Gun bans on possessing any gun, loaded, or unloaded at any private property unless the owner has provided express consent or has posted signage allowing firearms on their property

    Despite politicians hoping to quickly ram this legislation through, they have hit a procedural snag: lawmakers cannot agree which committee should be assigned to this terrible bill. This procedural issue will likely force them to wait until later this year to hold a hearing on the bill.

    While this issue will likely slow down the bill’s progress, it is critical to remain in constant contact with lawmakers and request that they oppose this bill. Please become educated and spread the word to your family, friends and neighbors as this proposed bill is a direct infringement of our 2nd amendment. https://www.goal.org/gunban We must voice our concerns regarding HD 4420!

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Hamilton Rod & Gun Club, Inc.

'The Footpath of Sportsmen since 1921'
24 Hamilton Road – PO Box 954
Sturbridge, MA 01566-0954

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